Dungeon Day
Hey all, it time for dungeon day and this time we are going out to sea! Come with a group of up to five adventurers to go through the dungeon filled with role play, puzzles and combat!
Bring your board games and card games to play with you fellow Polaricans. Enjoy ditching all day on the ditch field! Browse the many different merchant booths. Try to find Captain Bad Eyes lost treasure (Scavenger hunt) and enjoy your shore leave with different games.
Cost and Pre-pay:
Cost- $30, $25 for Npcs
Link for pre-pay: https://www.midwestlarp.com/store/p/dungeon-day-2025-prepay
Hotel rooms –
A hotel block has been reserved at the Best Western Hotel in Tomah, Wi. 1017 e Mccoy blvd Tomah WI 54660. Request under “Amtgard Polaris” for a group rate!
-Backed potato bar and gluten free vegetarian baked beans for sides/ food sensitivities.
-The shredded chicken sandwiches with a variety of sauces
-Kegs of clean fresh water, A keg of lemon Aid to help fight the scurvy and A keg of grog(Root beer) for all the hard work of the crew of Polaris!