Economic Development

Tools, information, and support to drive growth and innovation

Photo Credit: Franklin Coffee House

Explore the possibilities and discover how Monroe County can serve as the catalyst for business growth.

Economic Development

Here, businesses and entrepreneurs alike can discover a wealth of tools, information, and support to drive growth and innovation in the region. From incentives for new ventures to guidance on navigating regulatory processes, this page offers essential resources tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses at every stage of development.

Whether individuals are startups looking to establish roots or established enterprises seeking expansion opportunities, the collection of resources is designed to empower them on their journey towards economic success.

Monroe County collaborates with both private and public partners, pooling resources and expertise to attract, pursue, retain, and enhance business investment within its communities. Explore the possibilities and discover how Monroe County can serve as the catalyst for business growth and prosperity.

Wisconsin Economic Development Association
Data USA
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)

Community Development Programs

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)

Energy Programs

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)



124 N. Court St.
Sparta, WI 54656
Monroe County, WI

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